dilluns, 11 de desembre del 2017

collecting things...

Lola is trying to make a collection, but it's so hard...first of all she has to make up her mind about what to collect.... let's write a list with all the things Lola wants to collect.

diumenge, 10 de desembre del 2017

Let's learn some colours!

Let's revise colours, and some other words, and let's do it singing! Yeah!! Don't you think Pete is the most optimistic cat in the world?

dimecres, 29 de novembre del 2017

Nou curs!!

Benvinguts al nou curs, estrenem llibres nous i com molts ja sabeu teniu l'oportunitat d'accedir als continguts des de casa, només heu de clicar a l'enllaç que teniu a la dreta de la pantalla "our links", on diu Oxford Plus Alumnes, i posar el codi que teniu al vostre llibre.

Halloween is coming!

Do we sing ?